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Recognizing and Embracing Opportunities in Dynamic Digital Signage, Part 1


This is a new, regular feature of the LobbyPOP Blog, with the help of Alan C. Brawn and  Jonathan Brawn, founders of the Digital Signage Experts Group and creators of the Digital Signage Certified Experts program. My purpose, when I approached Alan for this series, was to draw attention to the ways that dynamic displays can be incorporated


You Ought To Be In Pictures! The Process of Making A Company Video – Part 3


Let’s take another step in our continuing series, looking at the process of making a high-quality company video that can be used to educate and entertain your audience through social media.  In the previous segments, we’ve talked about the importance of effective social media video marketing for your business, as well as the need for


You Ought to Be In Pictures! The Process of Making a Company Video – Part 2


Know Your Limitations!! In this series, we’re looking at the process of making a high-quality company video that can be used to educate and entertain your audience through social media.  For Part 2, we’re going to briefly discuss personal limitations as they pertain to the production time requirements.  To poorly paraphrase the great Clint Eastwood,


You Ought to Be In Pictures! The Process of Making a Company Video – Part 1


Why Make A Company Video? With social media becoming more and more important for small businesses, company videos streaming from the web are often a very effective way to communicate with your existing and/or potential clients.  The quality of online streaming video today can be absolutely stunning, light years beyond the low-resolution grainy short clips


Making the Move to Dynamic Signage


Are you still wondering if dynamic signage is the arena for you? Here we’ve been writing about how and why the digital print / traditional sign company is the best built enterprise for the job. In case you have missed the posts, start with the October, 2006 post and read each chapter as though it’s