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Store Visual Planning, Part 4


This is the 4th in a series of posts to provide tips and knowledge to make you a better merchandiser. You will want to start with the first posts if you have not already been following this topic. Click the links here for Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Now you are ready for


Store Visual Planning, Part 3


You are reading Part 3 of the Store Visual Planning series, designed to make you more expert in retailing. We believe everyone should have the knowledge to be their own consultant. If time or other limitation keeps you from this critical task of merchandising and branding, call a LobbyPOP Pro. In the meantime, click the


Store Visual Planning, Part 2


And now we move past the Entrance, or “decompression zone” to the next, and very critical space in your retail environment: The “Strike Zone.”  What is this Strike Zone? Once your customer passes through the “decompression zone” they look at the price of the first item, generally to their right, that is easily accessible. This initial


Introducing Store Visual Planning, Part 1


Welcome to the blog site for LobbyPOP.com. Today we will introduce the basics, starting at the front door, so to speak: Entrance Zones – what are they? You first need to understand the current traffic flow of your store and develop a plan that will encourage customers to shop your entire store with their attention