This is a new, regular feature of the LobbyPOP Blog, with the help of Alan C. Brawn, CTS, DSCE, and Founder with Jonathan Brawn of the Dynamic Signage Certified Expert course and My purpose, when I approached Alan for this series, was to draw attention to the ways that dynamic displays can be incorporated into
If you are following this series, you know we are talking about the science behind good sign design, and how this applies to digital sign content as well. In our first post, we reviewed content considerations as a whole. This brought us to Part 1, CLEVR acronym for Conspicuity, Legibility, Visibility and Readability. We reviewed
This is a story about why a digital sign expert is an invaluable partner to busy professionals. It is also a story of a very hardworking CPA, who spent 30 years building his practice. He employed 14 staff, and leased a nice, large set of offices in a beautiful skyscraper. He did work weekends, nearly all