Troubleshooting Tips

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Troubleshooting Start Here

  • If the display and/or media player are not working properly, attempt the following:

    • Power off/unplug the devices, wait 10 seconds, and reboot the media player and
    • Check all cables/connections to the digital display and player
    • Try connecting another screen to the media player to see if the problem is a result of the media player or the digital display.
  • It’s all too common that a network or software firewall is blocking important traffic, or an errant antivirus software is not allowing our rather intentional traffic through!

    This is where we move into the wild and wooly world of the network, and it can be VERY difficult to deal with. I don’t want to scare anyone off, it’s quite doable, but you may need support from onsite IT staff if you haven’t built the entire network yourself. We need to check communications across the entire traffic path, each step of the way. The IT staff at the hospital or office building can verify they have the right network opened up for you!

  • Are you testing the screen with successive touches until the screen freezes?

    The touchscreen may become unresponsive because it is trying to process each change of content too rapidly. All touchscreens behave this way. Tip: Use one finger touch, not two or more. Screens are sensitive to multiple touches which land in slightly different spots. This can occasionally cause a screen to freeze as it tries to decipher the intent: Grow and shrink? Move the content?

    If you are testing the display in an inconvenient location, such as the floor, be certain no other cable, dust, carpet fiber, paper or any debris is also near the screen, interfering with the infrared sensors. Clear all, see next tip, and reboot after that.

    Here’s a great post about a touch display at Kaiser facility where one of team members had an opportunity to test the directory!

    Ensure Touchscreen is Free from Dust and Debris

    Step 1

    The touchscreen may become unresponsive as dust & debris collect on the screen. Use a microfiber cloth (recommended) or a gentle application of canned air to clean the face of the screen. If you hold the canned air too close and without gentle back and forth motion, you can damage / crack your display!

    Step 2

    The touchscreen uses a series of infrared sensors that run along the inside edge of the touchscreen. Ensure the edges are also free from dust & debris.

    Some touchscreen models also utilize an optical sensor on the inside corner of the touchscreen (see below). Please ensure the lens is also free of dust and debris.

    If touchscreen is still unresponsive, refer to the other troubleshooting steps in this article.

    Check Cables for Proper Connectivity

    Read this article: Installation Troubleshooting

  • Using your display’s remote control, select OSD menu (on screen menu) while media player is not connected. Look for Settings and find Eco-Mode. This may be called Power Saving Mode or similar. This turns off the display to reduce the power consumption automatically. Please select {Normal} setting is to wake the display when it has Power. Adjust the screen timeout to “never” or “always on,” depending on your device; on most systems, this can be found in the “Display” or “Power” settings menu.

    For example, the LG series has this:
    Power On Status

    You can select the operating status of the monitor when the main power is switched on.

    • You can select from among PWR, STD, and LST.
    • PWR sets the status of the monitor to On whenever the main power is switched on.
    • STD sets the status of the monitor to Standby when the main power is switched on.
    • LST sets the status of the monitor back to its previous status.

    Also, make sure the “No Signal Power Off” setting is Off.

    And make sure the “Auto Power Off” setting of Off.

  • Here are three images in a helpful PDF. Note that your LobbyPOP Agency can create almost any configuration, with just some basic elements. If a map or multiple maps (for touch screens) are needed, large PNG files work great. See general information in this PDF.

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