Tell Your Story – Part 3

A Little Song and Dance…

If you have not been reading the recent posts, this three-part series provide inspiration wrapped around proven marketing concepts. Part 1 featured the importance of your own “story.” Part 2 gave the most successful ad campaign of all time built around “story.

The “story” is the heart of content that you would feature in your digital signage display. It is important to engage the viewer in a narrative, not simply a set of photos on the screen. The characteristics of electronic digital signage allow for stories to be told in ways that digital print signage cannot. With evocative images, music, and high-definition video, the viewer is captured… even if they have only a few moments to hear your story…

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A Little Song & Dance Goes a Long Way…

We get this a lot. Maybe you can identify.

One of us from Sign Biz is at a family party or meeting with people we want to work with. And it never fails — just as we pop a yummy dessert tray cookie in our mouth, some innocent soul says, “So, what do you do? What’s Sign Biz?” All of a sudden we’re on the spot. We’ve only got a minute or so (tops!) to introduce Sign Biz and get them interested in the concept. [Some relatives still think we install signs, not businesses!]

Even if your business concept is more familiar, chances are you get put in the same spot. You often have to give an impromptu one-minute presentation that says who you are, what you do, and why anyone should bother. [Think Chamber of Commerce introductions]. Many kinds of presentations are useful, but before you invest in a dynamic sign system, be sure you encompass the “7 second rule” into your planning. You want to encapsulate the colors, images, text, voice-over and music throughout your content delivery that reflects who you are. In seven seconds, the viewer will decide if your presentation is worth watching. Here are Four Questions to Help You Create the Most Effective Digital Signage Content:

1. What do you want them to remember most? They won’t remember everything — so choose carefully! Maybe you’re the leading manufacturer of your product. Or the first to have designed it. Or the only one in the tri-state area.

Example: Sign Biz is the leading sign business developer in the world.

2. Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) This is a phrase or sentence that describes your biz in a nutshell. This is your USP.

Example: LobbyPOP offers full service brand development signage and consulting- from a visual communications expert perspective.

3. What would add credibility to you? Have you been in business five years? Do you sell signs to Levi’s? Were you recently featured in a trade magazine?

Example: Sign Biz is a true pioneer of the computer-aided sign industry, with roots dating back to 1982.

4. What benefits can you offer this person? If you know what the need of the person is, tie that into your description. What can you do for them? 

Next Post, Part 4: What to avoid in your digital sign content…

LobbyPOP Digital Sign Systems